Three Days to Azure Synapse Analytics!


Course Overview

Do you have data in Azure?  Are you concerned about data integration?  Do you need enterprise data warehousing?  Azure Synapse Analytics is for you!  This 3-day course will help you with understanding and utilizing Azure Synapse Analytics to conquer your data analytics requirements!  This course will take you into understanding data engineering and data analytics, working with Azure Synapse Apache Spark Pools and Serverless SQL Pools, ELT and ETL solutions with pipelines, and Hybrid solutions.


Key Learning Areas

  • Azure Synapse Analytics in Azure
  • Azure Synapse Workspaces
  • Azure Data Lake Storage
  • Azure Synapse Serverless SQL Pools
  • Azure Synapse Apache Spark Pools
  • Data Warehouses
  • Data Transfer and Transformation in Pipelines
  • Hybrid Processing
  • Data Streaming
  • Data Science and Predictive Analytics
  • Workloads for Business Intelligence and Reporting

Course Outline

Day 1

Introduction to Data Engineering in Azure

  • Data Engineering defined
  • Concepts of data engineering
  • Azure and Data engineering

Introduction to Data Analytics on Azure

  • What is the Cloud Adoption Framework?
  • What are the aspects of Cloud Adoption Framework?
  • Getting started with Cloud Adoption Framework

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

  • What is Data Lake Storage Gen2?
  • Data Lake Store vs. Blob Storage
  • Data Lake Storage with Data Analytics

What is Azure Synapse Analytics?

  • What is it?
  • How it works
  • When to use it.

Data Analytics with Azure Synapse Serverless SQL Pools

  • Query files in a data lake
  • Transform data stored in a data lake
  • Lake database creation
  • Security in Azure Synapse Serverless SQL Pools

Day 2

Data Engineering with Azure Synapse Apache Spark Pools

  • Analyze and Transform data with Spark
  • Delta lakes and lakehouses in Azure Synapse Analytics

Data Warehouses and Azure Synapse Analytics

  • Data Analysis and Load in a Relational Data Warehouse
  • Manage and monitor data warehouse activities
  • Analyze and optimize storage of data warehouse
  • Data warehouse security

Day 3

Transfer and Transform data in Pipelines

  • Build a pipeline
  • Spark Notebooks and Azure Synapse Analytics Pipelines

Hybrid Processing solutions with Azure Synapse Analytics

  • HTAP and operational analytics
  • Azure Synapse Link for Cosmos DB and SQL

Data Streaming Solutions

  • What is Azure Stream Analytics?
  • Real time data ingestion with Azure Stream Analytics
  • Visualizing real-time data and Power BI

Data Science and Predictive Analytics

  • Code-Free or Low-Code Machine Learning and AI Models
  • Deployment of models

Data Warehouse Workload Optimization for Reporting and Business Intelligence

  • Data Mart and Data Warehouse performance
  • Securing your environment for Reporting and BI

Who Benefits

Data engineers, Data scientists, Data analysts, or any combination of associated skills and knowledge



  • Understanding of Azure portal
  • Knowledge of Azure networking
  • Knowledge of Data Transformation and Transfer technologies
  • Understanding of SQL Server, Azure SQL, and/or Apache Spark
Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.