Python Programming Basics with REST for New Developers


Course Overview

Python Programming Primer / Quick Start to Python is a basic level course that provides experienced developers new to Python with basic skills needed to start using Python on the job to perform simple scripts and basic task automation. This course also serves a quick introduction to Python for technical team members or users new to Python who want to get started quickly without needing a lot of depth. Students seeking more robust hands-on training, more extensive core Python coverage or deeper skills acquisition might wish to attend another more lab-intensive course from our extensive Python training suite.

To do the hands-on labs, students are required to have incoming familiarity with a programming or scripting language, as this course does not teach basic programming. Students who are non-developers may attend as more of a survey course to get an overview of Python as opposed to gaining live programming skills.


Key Learning Areas

This course combines expert lecture, real-world demonstrations and group discussions with machine-based practical labs and exercises. Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current “on-the-job” experience into every classroom. Throughout the hands-on course students will learn to write essential Python scripts using the most current and efficient skills and techniques.

Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will explore:

  • Uses for Python in software development, testing and systems administration environments
  • How to develop basic Python applications for a variety of uses
  • Packaging and distribution of Python applications and modules

Course Outline

An Overview of Python

  • What is python?
  • Python Timeline
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of
  • Python
  • Getting help with pydoc

The Python Environment

  • Starting Python
  • Using the interpreter
  • Running a Python script
  • Python scripts on Unix/Windows
  • Editors and IDEs

Getting Started

  • Using variables
  • Builtin functions
  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Converting among types
  • Writing to the screen
  • Command line parameters

Flow Control

  • About flow control
  • White space
  • Conditional expressions
  • Relational and Boolean operators
  • While loops
  • Alternate loop exits


  • About sequences
  • Lists and list methods
  • Tuples
  • Indexing and slicing
  • Iterating through a sequence
  • Sequence functions, keywords,
  • and operators
  • List comprehensions
  • Generator Expressions
  • Nested sequences

Working with Files

  • File overview
  • Opening a text file
  • Reading a text file
  • Writing to a text file
  • Reading and writing raw (binary) data
  • Converting binary data with struct

Dictionaries and Sets

  • About dictionaries
  • Creating dictionaries
  • Iterating through a dictionary
  • About sets
  • Creating sets
  • Working with sets


  • Defining functions
  • Parameters
  • Global and local scope
  • Nested functions
  • Returning values


  • The sorted() function
  • Alternate keys
  • Lambda functions
  • Sorting collections
  • Using operator.itemgetter()
  • Reverse sorting

Errors and Exception Handling

  • Syntax errors
  • Exceptions
  • Using try/catch/else/finally
  • Handling multiple exceptions
  • Ignoring exceptions

Optional (Time-permitting)

Modules and Packages

  • The import statement
  • Module search path
  • Creating Modules
  • Using packages
  • Function and Module aliases

Regular Expressions

  • RE syntax overview
  • RE Objects
  • Searching and matching
  • Compilation flags
  • Groups and special groups
  • Replacing text
  • Splitting strings

The Standard Library

  • The sys module
  • Launching external programs
  • Math functions
  • Random numbers
  • The string module
  • Reading CSV data

Introduction to Python Classes

  • About o-o programming
  • Defining classes
  • Constructors
  • Methods
  • Instance data
  • Properties
  • Class methods and data

Who Benefits

This basic level course provides an excellent kick start for users new to Python, enabling them to use basic Python skills on the job in a variety of ways. Students can apply the course skills to use Python in basic web development projects or automate or simplify common tasks with the use of Python scripts. The course also serves as a solid primer course / foundation for continued Python study in support for next level web development with Python, Python for data science / machine learning or Python for systems admin or networking support.

Students should have basic familiarity with any other programming or scripting language, as basic scripting isn’t covered in this agenda. Students should have a working, user-level knowledge of Unix/Linux, Mac, or Windows.



  • This in an introductory-level course geared for anyone new to Python who wants to use Python in web development projects or automate or simplify common tasks with the use of Python scripts.
  • Prior scripting or development experience is recommended.
Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.