Modernizing Applications by Migrating to Azure | 1-Day Workshop


Course Overview

In the early days of cloud computing, the “cloud” was mostly a place to park data and spin up virtual machines. Today it is much more. In addition to providing access to traditional storage and compute resources on Linux as well as Windows, Microsoft Azure includes extensive infrastructure options, rich management and analytical tools, and dozens of services to aid developers in building intelligent services and applications.

This one-day session provides an introduction to the techniques for modernizing applications by migrating them to Azure.


Key Learning Areas

  • How to host Web sites and Web APIs in the cloud
  • How to write serverless applications using Azure Functions
  • How to containerize an application
  • How to host a container in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • How to use Azure Migrate to simplify migration and modernization

Course Outline

Learn what Azure is and what services it offers. Learn about the building blocks of cloud-based apps, and then dive into the Azure Portal and create your first virtual machine (VM).

  • What is the Cloud/Azure?
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Deploy and manage resources
    • Using the Azure Portal
    • Using the Azure CLI?

Azure Web Apps
Learn how to host Web apps and Web services in the cloud using Azure Web Apps, and learn about deployment slots and other features that this service offers.

  • App Service Plans
  • Private Endpoints
  • Creating an Azure Web App
    • Azure Portal
    • Command Line
  • Configuration and Application Settings
  • Deployment Slots
  • Scaling

Azure Functions
Learn how to use Azure Functions to deploy functions written in C#, JavaScript, PowerShell, Python, and other languages to the cloud.

  • Serverless computing
  • Hosting Plans
  • Triggers
    • Timer
    • Blob
  • Bindings
    • Function
    • Storage-Table
    • Return Value
  • Manually triggering Non-HTTP Azure Functions
  • Durable Functions

Containers, Images and the Azure Container Registry (ACR)
Learn how to create an image for an existing application, how to push an image to Azure using the ACR, and how to create a container instance from the image.

  • Images
    • Dockerfile
    • Create and run
    • Remove
  • Azure Container Registry (ACR)
    • Why use the ACR?
    • Logging into the ACR
    • Pushing images to the ACR
    • Viewing images in the ACR

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Learn how to host a container in Azure using AKS, which provides the largest range of scaling and networking options, comprehensive access and security features, health monitoring and support for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

  • What is AKS?
  • Create an AKS Cluster
  • Manage and configure an application in AKS
    • Run
    • Scale
    • Update

Azure Migrate
Learn about the available Azure migration tools that facilitate moving an existing application to the cloud.

  • What is Azure Migrate?
  • What features does Azure Migrate provide?
  • Using the migration portal
  • Assessment and migration tools

Who Benefits

Developers and managers who are looking to migrate their existing applications to the cloud using Azure.



Familiarity with cloud services is recommended, although not required.

Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.