Introduction to Node.js


Course Overview

This 3-day Introduction to Node.js teaches the fundamental concepts involved in writing server-side applications using Node.js. Attendees will learn about Node.js best practices and conventions while working with popular libraries, frameworks, and back-end services to write a variety of different applications.


Key Learning Areas

  • ES6+ syntax
  • Understanding callbacks and asynchronous code
  • Finding and installing modules with NPM
  • Creating, using, and publishing modules
  • Listening for and handling events
  • Working with streams
  • Promises
  • RESTful APIs
  • Express
  • MongoDB

Course Outline


  • What is Node.js?
  • What is it good for?
  • What is it not good for?
  • History of Node.js
  • Who Uses Node?
  • How Does Node.js Work?
  • Node’s REPL
  • Your First Node Program
  • Lab: Intro to Node
  • What is Node.js Made Of?
  • How is Node.js Different?
  • Lab: First Look at Async Code

Node Modules

  • Modules Overview
  • CommonJS Example
  • Using Modules
  • Modules vs. Packages
  • Sources of Modules
  • npm
  • node_modules
  • json
  • Npm Install
  • Examples of packages from npm
  • Lab: Intro to npm
  • Node’s Core Modules
  • The http Module
  • The http Module (cont)
  • Lab: A Simple Node.js Server
  • The fs module
  • Buffer Objects
  • Modularizing Your Code
  • Returning Values from Modules
  • Using a Local Module
  • Lab: Creating Modules
  • ES6 Modules

Events and Streams

  • Non-blocking with Events
  • Events
  • EventEmitter
  • Code Walkthrough: Extending EventEmitter
  • Code Walkthrough: Emit events from a function
  • Node Stream Objects
  • Types of Streams
  • Using Readable Streams
  • Using Writable Streams
  • Duplex and Transform Streams
  • Lab: Working with Streams
  • The Pipe Method
  • Lab: Piping Between Streams

The Process Object

  • Command Line Arguments
  • Lab: The process object

Understanding Callbacks

  • Using Callbacks
  • Node’s Error Convention


  • What Are Promises?
  • Promises vs. Event Listeners
  • Why Use Promises?
  • Demo: Callback vs. Promise
  • Using Promises
  • Promises with Bluebird
  • async/await
  • Upgrading to async/await
  • Lab: Promises

Node on the Web

  • How the Web Works
  • HTTP
  • HTTP Methods
  • Making an HTTP Request
  • Lab: Getting Data with HTTP
  • RESTful Web Services
  • RESTful Web Services in Practice

Testing and Debugging

  • Test Driven Development
  • The TDD Cycle
  • TDD Steps
  • Assertions
  • JavaScript Testing Frameworks
  • JS Exception Handling
  • TDD vs. BDD
  • The assert module
  • Using assert
  • Lab: Testing with assert
  • Mocha and should.js
  • Testing with Mocha and should.js
  • Running Tests with Mocha

Using Express

  • What is Express?
  • Getting Started with Express
  • Express Hello World Server
  • Routing with Express
  • Serve Static Content with Express
  • Lab: Make an Express Server

Database Access with Node.js

  • mongod and mongo
  • Use MongoDB in Node
  • Insert Data
  • Test it out
  • Retrieve from MongoDB
  • Lab: hapi 16
  • Lab: Async Await and hapi 17

JavaScript Review / Reference

  • JavaScript is NOT Java
  • Is JavaScript “Real” Programming?
  • Where Can You Use JavaScript?
  • How JavaScript Works
  • Is JavaScript Slow?
  • JavaScript Engines
  • JavaScript Syntax
  • JavaScript Data Types
  • JavaScript Primitives
  • Variables and Arrays
  • Creating and Using Variables
  • Variable Scoping with const and let
  • let vs. var
  • Creating and Using Arrays
  • JavaScript Operators
  • Template Literals
  • Functions
  • Global Functions
  • Custom Functions
  • Arrow Functions
  • Arrow Function Parameters
  • Arrow Functions (cont.)
  • JavaScript Objects
  • Built-in Objects
  • Creating Objects
  • Using Objects
  • Prototypal Inheritance

Who Benefits

This course is for professional JavaScript programmers and back-end web developers.



Attendees should have at least a beginning to intermediate level of knowledge with JavaScript. Specifically, they should be comfortable working with JavaScript functions and objects.

The courseware includes slides, notes, assignments, a pre/post assessment test, and complete source code for all assignments.

Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.