GitHub for Developers Training


Course Overview

Give your developers confidence with Git and GitHub with hands-on, practical training from GitHub Professional Services. With GitHub for Developers, your team will spend two days working with a GitHub Expert to gain a solid understanding of Git, how to apply the GitHub Flow in their existing projects, and how to handle common situations that occur when working in Distributed Version Control Systems. Most importantly, your team will learn how to collaborate more effectively to write quality code.


Key Learning Areas

The learning outcomes of this course are to collaborate effectively, maximize Git and GitHub, implement the GitHub Flow, and troubleshoot common issues. During the training we create individual repositories for each learner. This creates a hands-on experience and allows for optimal understanding of Git and GitHub in real repository projects.


Course Outline

Participants can expect a challenging, hands-on learning experience with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and apply new concepts to their work. Each day’s content is built upon the previous day so it’s important that all participants attend all training sessions.

Lesson 1

  • GitHub Flow
  • Working locally
  • Git configurations
  • Git aliases
  • Collaborating in pull requests and issues
  • Branching with Git
  • Editing on GitHub
  • Merging pull requests

Lesson 2

  • Understanding of how merge conflicts happen
  • Resolving merge conflicts both on GitHub and on the command line

Lesson 3

  • Understanding workflows
  • Protected branches
  • Git bisect
  • Helpful Git commands
  • Atomic commits
  • Reverting commits
  • Viewing local changes
  • Tags and release

Lesson 4

  • Creating local repositories
  • Fixing commits
  • Git reset
  • Cherry picking
  • Git reflog
  • Merge strategies
  • Git rebase
  • Git squash

Who Benefits

  • All users need an account with access to GitHub
  • Experience using git and GitHub is helpful but not required


Developers, Project Managers, and QA professionals

Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.