GitHub Copilot for Business Administration and Security


Course Overview

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered tool that assists developers in writing code. It analyzes the context in the file you are editing, as well as related files, and offers suggestions from within your text editor. GitHub Copilot also offers additional features such as Copilot Chat which can be used to ask and receive answers to coding-related questions.

In this intermediate course, GitHub’s experts will equip your team with the knowledge of GitHub Copilot’s Policies and Settings, Telemetry, Data Privacy, Troubleshooting, Integrations, and frequently asked questions.


Key Learning Areas

  • Enable the best & recommended policies & settings at an Enterprise/Organization level
  • Fetch all possible telemetry data from the GitHub instance
  • Resolve the identified standard enablement challenges
  • Communicate effectively on what all data is captured & how they are processed by GitHub
  • Retrieve the GitHub Copilot for Business specific events
  • Take care of the License management leveraging the REST APIs endpoints provided by GitHub

Course Outline

GitHub Copilot for Business Fundamentals Overview

  • Overview
  • Requirements
  • Data Flow

GitHub Copilot X

  • Copilot Features

Policies and Settings

  • Enterprise & Organizational Policies
  • Client-Side Settings
  • IDE Advanced Settings


  • Rest API
  • Audit Logs
  • Future Roadmap

Data Privacy

  • Personal Data Collection
  • Aiding Secure Development
  • FAQ


  • Common issues
  • Diagnosing Network issues


  • Rest API
  • Audit Logs

Who Benefits

The primary audience of this document is:

  • Services Delivery
  • GitHub Partners

Secondarily, the Services Seller, Engagement Manager, Project Manager, and Sales/Account Manager can leverage the contents to prepare and deliver according to set expectations.



Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.