Course Overview

The Exploring Testing course leverages the Python ecosystem to explore testing. We will learn how to structure a modern package, learn about unit testing, TDD, code coverage, and more advanced pytest features like parameterization and fixtures.

But this course doesn’t end there. We’ll discuss mocking best practices, leveraging the Hypothesis library for structured testing, and using the static typing tools to test your code.


Key Learning Areas

  • Understand how to create tests using doctest, unittest, and pytest
  • Learn how to use Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Understand what to test for
  • Leverage powerful tools like coverage, mock, and hypothesis to take your tests to the next level

Course Outline

  • Purpose
  • Code introduction
  • doctest
  • unittest
  • Coverage
  • Linting
  • TDD
  • pytest
  • Mocking
  • hypothesis
  • Metrics
  • Packaging

Who Benefits

If you want to level up your Python testing, this is your course



  • This course uses pytest as the test framework
  • Recommended to take Fundamentals of Python course or similar first
Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.