Course Overview

Developing Secure .NET Web Application Development – Lifecycle (SDLC) is a lab-intensive, hands-on .NET security training course, essential for experienced enterprise developers who need to produce secure .NET-based web applications. In addition to teaching basic programming skills, this course digs deep into sound processes and practices that apply to the entire software development lifecycle. In this course, students thoroughly examine best practices for defensively coding .NET web applications, including XML processing and web services. Students will repeatedly attack and then defend various assets associated with a fully-functional web application. This hands-on approach drives home the mechanics of how to secure .NET web applications in the most practical of terms.

The final portion of this course builds on the previously learned mechanics for building defenses by exploring how design and analysis can be used to build stronger applications from the beginning of the software lifecycle.


Key Learning Areas

  • Understand potential sources for untrusted data
  • Understand the consequences for not properly handling untrusted data such as denial of service, cross-site scripting, and injections
  • Be able to test web applications with various attack techniques to determine the existence of and effectiveness of layered defenses
  • Prevent and defend the many potential vulnerabilities associated with untrusted data
  • Understand the vulnerabilities of associated with authentication and authorization
  • Be able to detect, attack, and implement defenses for authentication and authorization functionality and services
  • Understand the dangers and mechanisms behind Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Injection attacks
  • Be able to detect, attack, and implement defenses against XSS and Injection attacks
  • Understand the concepts and terminology behind defensive, secure, coding
  • Understand the use of Threat Modeling as a tool in identifying software vulnerabilities based on realistic threats against meaningful assets
  • Perform both static code reviews and dynamic application testing to uncover vulnerabilities in web applications
  • Design and develop strong, robust authentication and authorization implementations within the context of .NET
  • Be able to detect, attack, and implement defenses for XML-based services and functionality
  • Understand techniques and measures that can used to harden web and application servers as well as other components in your infrastructure
  • Understand and implement the processes and measures associated with the Secure Software Development (SSD)
  • Acquire the skills, tools, and best practices for design and code reviews as well as testing initiatives
  • Understand the basics of security testing and planning
  • Work through a comprehensive testing plan for recognized vulnerabilities and weaknesses

Course Outline


  • Misconceptions


  • Security Concepts
  • Principles of Information Security


  • Unvalidated Input
  • Overview of Regular Expressions
  • Broken Access Control
  • Broken Authentication
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Injection
  • Error Handling and Information Leakage
  • Data Handling
  • Insecure Configuration Management
  • Direct Object Access
  • Spoofing, CSRF, and Redirects

Best Practices

  • .NET Issues and Best Practices
  • Understanding What’s Important

Defending XML, Services, and Rich Interfaces

  • Defending XML
  • Defending Web Services
  • Defending Rich Interfaces and REST


  • Cryptography Overview
  • .NET Cryptographic Services

Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL)

  • SDL Process Overview
  • Applying Processes and Practices

Security Testing

  • Testing Tools and Practices
  • Testing Practices

Who Benefits

Students who attend this course will leave the course armed with the skills required to recognize actual and potential software vulnerabilities, implement defenses for those vulnerabilities, and test those defenses for sufficiency.

The course introduces developers to the most common security vulnerabilities faced by web applications today. Each vulnerability is examined from a .NET perspective through a process of describing the threat and attack mechanisms, recognizing associated vulnerabilities, and, finally, designing, implementing, and testing effective defenses. Multiple practical labs reinforce these concepts with real vulnerabilities and attacks. Students are then challenged to design and implement the layered defenses they will need in defending their own applications.

PCI Compliant Developer Training

This training course addresses common coding vulnerabilities in software development processes, and is used by one of the principle participants in the PCI DSS. Having passed multiple PCI audits, this course has been shown to meet PCI requirements. The specification of those training requirements are detailed in 6.5.1 through 6.5.10 on pages 55 through 59 of the PCI DSS Requirements 3.0 document dated November, 2013. This is not “checklist mentality” training, as it integrates demonstrations, code flashes, and hands-on labs for vulnerabilities, defenses, and best practices in secure development lifecycle (SDL).



This is an intermediate level .NET secure programming course, designed for developers who wish to get up and running on developing well defended software applications. Familiarity with C# is required and real world programming experience is highly recommended. Ideally students should have approximately 6 months to a year of .NET development practical experience.


Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.