Building Business Applications with WPF


Course Overview

If you have never used Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) before, then this course is for you. If you are using Windows Forms (or VB6, FoxPro, or other old desktop technology) you need to start learning how to do declarative programming using XAML and WPF. This 5-day course starts with a new project in Visual Studio and walks you through multiple examples of building a business application.

Learning XAML can be a little daunting, however this course shows you how to get up to speed quickly and easily. You learn most of the basic controls, working with styles, working with the various list controls and data binding. The Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) design pattern is used throughout this course to show you the correct way to build WPF applications. Several examples of business application forms are shown to illustrate many of the concepts learned throughout this course. At the end of this course you have a working application that can be used as a starting point for applications you need to design in your business.


Key Learning Areas

  • Overview of WPF
  • The Basics of WPF
  • Using Styles and Resources Effectively
  • Common Business UI Controls
  • Other Useful UI Controls
  • Container Controls
  • It’s All About Data Binding
  • Display Lists of Data
  • The Amazingly Flexible WPF List Box
  • More Fun with the WPF List Box
  • MVVM Made Simple
  • Control Aggregation using User Controls
  • Eliminate Strong Coupling by Using a Message Broker
  • A Reusable WPF Business Application Architecture
  • Create Common Business Application Screens
  • Create a CRUD Maintenance Screen
  • Data Validation
  • Creating your own Dialogs
  • Calling a Web API from WPF
  • Creating Borderless and Non-Rectangular Windows
  • Animation and Transforms
  • Working with Graphics and Shapes

Course Outline

  • Basics of WPF
  • Using Styles and Resources Effectively
  • Common Business UI Controls
  • Other Useful UI Controls
  • Container Controls
  • It’s All About Data Binding
  • Display Lists of Data
  • The Amazingly Flexible WPF List Box
  • More Fun with the WPF List Box
  • MVVM Made Simple
  • Control Aggregation Using User Controls
  • Eliminate Strong Coupling by Using a Message Broker
  • A Reusable WPF Business Application Architecture
  • Create Common Business Application Screens
  • Create a CRUD Maintenance Screen
  • Data Validation
  • Creating Your Own Dialogs
  • Calling a Web API from WPF
  • Creating Borderless and Non-Rectangular Windows
  • Animation and Transforms
  • Working with Graphics and Shapes

Who Benefits

This course is designed for any programmer who wants to learn to create business applications using WPF. It is recommended that students are already familiar with Visual Studio and C#.



Developers who attend this course should be familiar with writing .NET applications using C#.

Want this course for your team?

Atmosera can provide this course virtually or on-site. Please reach out to discuss your requirements.