Unlocking the Power of AI in your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Watch our “Unlocking the Power of AI in your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)” webinar to discover how AI is revolutionizing the software development landscape and learn practical strategies to integrate AI seamlessly into your SDLC processes.

In this webinar, Atmosera Enterprise Architect Ryan Wilson will provide an in-depth education on the impact of AI in today’s market, highlighting key AI technologies and metrics. We’ll delve into best practices and challenges, exploring the right ways to approach AI development while addressing ethical considerations and regulatory aspects.

Our goal is to guide you through the journey of AI enablement across the SDLC, from onboarding AI into your organization to embedding AI to enhance existing processes. Through practical examples and use cases, you’ll gain insights into how AI can optimize backlog curation, test case development, developer productivity, code security, and issue resolution.

Don’t miss the live demonstration of Copilot, showcasing its capabilities across your SDLC. Learn about Microsoft’s investments in AI and discover how Atmosera can support you on your AI journey.

By the end of the webinar, you’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how to take advantage of AI in your development ecosystem and pipelines. Join us and unlock the potential of AI to revolutionize your software development practices!

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