How To Secure Your Cloud Data

How To Secure Your Cloud Data

Countless businesses across dozens of unique industries use cloud systems to store and manage their data. With efficient processes, lower hardware costs, and constant innovations, it’s no wonder why many companies have chosen to migrate to the cloud. However, some business owners are still wary about making the move to cloud-based storage. What’s holding them back? In many cases, the answer is security. Companies are wary about storing and managing their data on an online platform—especially when a third party provides and handles said platform. The good news is that there are smart and reliable ways to maintain your privacy and security within a cloud network. Learn how to secure your cloud data and keep your business information safe with these tried and true tips.

Know Your Network Inside and Out

As with any other service or application your business uses, you must become an expert in your own cloud network. Learn your way around the various systems and processes until you’re familiar with every part of cloud service. There are many benefits to knowing your way around your cloud. You and your employees will learn best practices and reduce user errors. Additionally, familiarity with how your cloud functions makes it easier to notice when something goes wrong. Keep in mind that part of learning the ins and outs of your cloud network means carefully reading user agreements, understanding privacy settings, and paying close attention to other small print and details.

Take Passwords and Encryption Seriously

Passwords, encryption, multi-factor authentication, and other security measures are a simple yet crucial line of defense against hackers, user error, and risks. Take these steps seriously by employing best practices across your company. Place password requirements to ensure that all employees have strong and unique passwords. Employees should also update passwords on a regular basis to keep credentials, profiles, and devices secure. Additionally, file-level encryption protects each and every file you upload or download from the cloud. Even if you have an encrypted cloud service, encrypting your own files before uploading allows you to double down on security and boost your data protection.

Create a Sound Policy for Data Backup

File backup is a staple of data security. Consistent data backup protects you against data theft or corruption. Even if your company experiences a security breach, recent backups can make recovery easier. Your cybersecurity policy should include a routine backup plan, which in turn should include local backups. Backing up your data locally means that you will always have the information you need on hand in case something goes wrong. This reduces system downtime and can help you avoid major lawsuits and other consequences of losing client data. Finally, store backups in a separate location from the rest of your servers. This way, if something happens to your central server or physical location, you will still have the data you need.

Make a Plan in Case of a Breach

Data backup isn’t the only way you can prepare for a security breach. A thorough recovery and response plan helps your company act quickly and get back on track after an incident with as little damage as possible. Work with your cloud provider to understand the recovery and restoration options available to you. For example, we at Atmosera strive to protect our clients’ critical data through services like Managed Backup, Disaster Recovery, and more. Make sure you understand the options and services at your disposal. Use this information to build a plan and lay out your procedures from the start. Having a recovery plan in place prepares you and your business for the worst-case scenario.

Be Careful With Sensitive Information

Your company must carefully consider the kind of information it puts into the cloud. Keep in mind that your company will need to take full responsibility if a security breach occurs—even if it was your cloud provider’s fault. If you choose to store sensitive or confidential information in the cloud, review and document it carefully. Choose someone to be responsible for this data. Additionally, outline best practices for handling this information, as well as consequences that will occur if someone mishandles the data. Precautions such as these will help you remain vigilant about the kind of information in your cloud storage system.

Follow Best Practices Online and With Devices

User error is one of the main factors behind security breaches and other threats to your cloud network. Phishing attempts, incorrect uploads, and even disgruntled employees can do a lot of damage to your company and its data. A huge part of how to secure your cloud data is to create a policy that outlines best practices for using devices, managing data, and more. When you can refer back to these standards, you can help keep employees on track in their online and offline behavior. Be sure to offer thorough, ongoing training alongside your security policies so that employees have the knowledge and resources they need to keep their data and devices safe.

Test Your Defenses

It’s difficult to objectively view your defenses from the inside. Third-party services such as ethical hackers can put your cloud security system to the test. By posing as real hackers and using up-to-date industry expertise, these services identify weak points and loopholes in your system that real hackers could exploit. This information allows you to focus your efforts on these weak areas to create a more airtight security system. With all the changes and innovations within the world of cybersecurity, hackers are constantly evolving their strategies to reach and exploit company data. Testing your defenses regularly helps you stay on top of threats and ensure that your security remains effective.

Choose a Cloud Provider You Can Trust

As with any outsourced service, you must choose your cloud partners wisely. You want a cloud provider who displays expertise, integrity, and care. The right cloud provider will help you establish thorough and proactive security measures to protect your data. Additionally, your cloud provider should be available to help answer any questions you have about your system’s operation, security, recovery plans, and more. When you choose to work with Atmosera, you choose Microsoft Azure security services that deliver all of these qualities, in addition to many others. Outfit your company with a flexible, compliant, and secure cloud solution that will protect and serve you for years to come.

How To Secure Your Cloud Data

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